Privacy and Data Usage

At Aqua Hero, we are committed to ensuring your privacy and safeguarding your data. Here's how we handle videos, photos, and data:

Videos and Photos

During our swimming lessons, we may occasionally record videos of your swimming exercises. These recordings are used to provide feedback and enhance your learning experience. Please note that, as you attend group lessons, you might appear in the background of these videos.

Social Media

By enrolling in Aqua Hero classes, you consent to the use of photos and videos that may include your likeness for promotional purposes on our social media channels.
However, your participation in these images is not mandatory. If you prefer not to be featured in any online content, please inform us at ronen@aquahero.nland we will try to exclude you from the content.

GDPR Compliance

We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set forth by the European Union to safeguard personal data and privacy. By enrolling in Aqua Hero swimming lessons, you grant us consent to collect and process your personal data. This data is utilized for administrative purposes and to enhance the overall quality of our swimming school's services. According to GDPR guidelines, you have the right to access, correct, or request the deletion of your data at any time.
Your privacy is important to us, and we are here to ensure a secure and enjoyable swimming experience.